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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Dawdling along the Homestretch


     Dawdling along the Homestretch


Friends have become weak & senile

The ones who excelled during adolescence

Walk, they do but slowly, like me for a wee while

Many are gone ,  become only reminiscence


Some sport  a paunch

Others  have  silvery hair

Some carrying ailments ,staying staunch

Responsibilities on each demanding care


Pain in the body for some

Disturbed mind sparing none

Solace yet to come

Despair & gloom one has to shun



Run, we could  all day

Stumble in walk we do now, visibly drawn

Nobody has time today

The shadow of pain  reflecting in eyes forlorn


Connection with friends, I should not have let to fall

Often  the grief & sadness one has to swallow

Some comfort albeit small, thinking of achievements if at all

Command of Providence we have to follow


The heart melts leafing through Albums old

Young friends of yesteryear look  haggard & bleak

Yet remain precious as gold

Worth the images that we peek


 Time’s running out,

Faster in the coming days

What remains is  a Bonus shout

Beaming out  energizing rays



So friends, give away what you have to

 Finish what you need to

Life free from anxiety , we all look forward to

Pretty much like the younger days too


Family, relatives  we all love

But,what,s special with friends, memories divine

In the dusk of our lives we look up & above

Ever near when the son doesn’t shine


In the final segment and trends

My only prayer is while I live

 God make me worthy of my friends

Since I have nothing better  to give

Note:  After this experiment,wonder if lines flowing from heart to pen (no mind in between), directly jotted makes a poem. Clarity  & Refinement  seem to be the crux. But how, where & when to attain that ?


YOSEE said...

Lovely thoughts and sentiments in Blank Verse .

During a lifetime, we meet many , only some becime close mates . There must be some cosmic reason for it
Growing older with dearly loved people is like a tree attaining its fullness .
Each phase in life has its own charms , but old age is the best because of the full reasury of memories it has earned .
Something to rejoice in and be thankful for .

Chitra Amma's Kitchen said...

Wonderful flow from heart to pen.

Annu said...

Really hits the right notes

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