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Thursday, February 1, 2024




Attired in well pressed pin striped sky blue Shirt,  buttoned at the wrist, and  black trousers,  lotioned hair neatly combed , polished black leather formal shoes and       matching hip belt, the  Impeccably well-dressed  dapper Gentleman   looked every        inch  well-groomed    It was not difficult to conclude that  Mr. Varaprasad Rao  ,  "vintage enthusiast" or "retro fashion lover." Was a connoisseur of traditional righteousness?

I have  accounts on several  social platforms. My main email account is Gmail, and I use     the social platforms facebook whattsapp, Insta, Snapchat. X and         many more. .       And all my social platform accounts are very active. he boasted

Asked whether Maneuvering the expanses of social media with its ever evolving abbreviations, slang,  Acronyms  & emojis was  itself  not challenging ?    

He replied   Certainly  is ! even knowledgeable native English speakers  panic .

Technology has   advanced  at such a great pace   over  the  past  few decades        and  established  new social environment  in digital & social media

The  Miillenials particularly are getting  addicted  to this  abbreviation / acronym        / emoji siege. They clog  every post  and  bolster  our messaging instinct.. While    they are intended for enhancing   effectiveness, more often than not, the  result     in the exact        opposite

So what next, what do we do , he is asked

Looking immensely pleased he continued   Well, that is the reason I have so many Social Media accounts. I make it a point to browse through a large number of posts      .every day 

  I have  taken  upon myself  the  noble  responsibility  to correct other people’s      grammar on Social media platforms with advise  on the virtues of unsullied  communication.Indulging in  this activity energizes my mind too..After all I owe                this to the Glorious Language  you see.

My eyes lit up. “ This is  an absolute  Godsend.  I,m conversing with  the next மடசாம்பிராணி” (Madasambrani) 

Latching on I Enquired do you offer this service only on Digital space or are       you extending the same in the physical world too?

My foray into real physical world was brief .  My indulgences are restricted to the     digital world now ”.

Why ? I quizzed

Well  er…err… …. In the physical world  my expertise was frequently misunderstood . Besides the occasional crumpling of my shirt collar & an odd  wallop  on the backside,    I had to endure the discomfort of some choice remarks     generally about my relatives and more specifically about my mother,  & sister. That is when  I found out that getting Trashed in Social Media is  less risky that getting Thrashed In the real  world …………. His voice  trailed off

** BTAIM; Be that as it May !



Moral causation …On a loop

  Moral causation …                            ..................On a loop   Kunti  is never  considered  as a spectacular or iconic c...