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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Small acts, Big Impact

 Small acts, Big Impact

Anyone venturing into Nature will be enraptured by its resplendence. There is something about nature that holds everyone spellbound. The manifestation of this power is a state of ecstasy, of bliss .No words can precisely express the feeling. All the same, I will make an attempt.

Spending quality time in the breathtaking expanses establishes that we are only a minuscule speck in the boundless canvas called Nature. An overpowering feeling that we are not separate from nature and that there is some consciousness which is common to everything gradually sinks in. we are able to see above petty issues and are engulfed in joy which ultimately calms our mind.

How does nature sustain us?

Food, water, medicine, materials for shelter, nutrients and everything that is required for life to thrive on this planet is provided by the nature. Weather patterns and seasons  follow the Laws of Nature.

Unfortunately,Our planet is currently suffering environmental degradation and devastation at   a staggering rate.  Ecosystems are being increasingly subjected to adverse effects of human avariciousness due to  population explosion   . Climate change due to  loss of habitat  , fragmentation , proliferation  of invasive species, collection  of toxic  pollutants have wrecked   natural  and biological systems and is becoming a cause for grave  concern for the survival of countless  species .

Trees are being  cut down , and  then  concrete structures “Planted”

The world  will face a great deal of challenges in the future. Floods, cyclones, forest fires, drought, and other  disasters are happening more frequently.Nature is sending out the distress signals.

Environment needs to be healed, and it’s the humans’ responsibility because we survive on earth, and enjoy the bountiful resources of nature. But, If we assume that it is our right to plunder & shatter the biological clock, we need to accept that nature too possesses  its own mechanism to survive, sustain & flourish  and once unleashed it can spell  doom for Humans.

Nothing can sum up the situation better than the Chinese  Proverb “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago…… The second-best time is NOW.”

As an incorrigible wilderness freak, I often discuss with friends and experts  about the scale of Environmental devastation and specifically what each one of us  should be doing about it. While it’s a simple question,  it isn’t as simple to answer!

Mother Earth is a munificent giver and  we could help  a bit by reciprocating.    Though a large number of people understand the need for environmental protection they wait for that small nudge from the back to get going.

 Businesses are  indicating their readiness to step up.As awareness about this urgent issue is rising,  so too have corporate efforts. The number of national and community level initiatives is also increasing.

However public  participation in environmental protection plays a pivotal role in promoting a strong and gratifying relationship between society and the environment.

 The fundamental duty of each citizen regarding environment is clearly enshrined in our *constitution   . It states, “It should be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for the living creatures”.*under Article 51A(g)

Instead of just brooding over having a better environment if every citizen Starts taking action to protect the environment, future generations will be assured of getting  a better planet to live on.   No deed is too big or too small. It is the action that matters..

Ultimately, tackling the effects of environment degradation is vital , & also a moral and compassionate one. Our commitment should be towards making mother earth a  better place for other beings. By taking action to revive environment, habitats and wildlife, we can ensure that we leave a healthy and sustainable planet for future generations.

           The world celebrates its Environment day on 5th June 2024

This year’s campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #Generation Restoration.” 

HOST: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

          My Resolutions on Environment day  5th June 2024

.Use,reuse.recycle, Reusable Water bottle, shop local seasonal

.Devote time for  physical work,compost kitchen waste

cut water,energy use,mindful packaging, no to fast changing fashion

 no to single use plastic items,cut food waste, go out into Nature


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