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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Moral causation …On a loop


Moral causation

                           ..................On a loop


Kunti  is never  considered  as a spectacular or iconic character when one  discusses  the Mahabharata. Her story is actually quite tragic.

Born as a princess,given away by her  father  to his childless relative,

she does not even get  an opportunity to  bid a proper goodbye to her mother .But she dutifully respects her father’s wishes with dignity.

She personally manages hospitality to Sage Durvasa during his visit and is    granted  a divine boon. Unaware of its power, she ends up giving birth to a baby  (Karna). She is forced abandon the newborn to avoid   social ridicule. She offers  to relinquish  her royal life to  raise the baby living incognito,. but she is prevented. . This decision haunts her all her life. Then she gets married to King Pandu . As dutiful wife she graciously accepts her husband’s second wife .

Madri commits Sati on the to the funeral pyre of Pandu. Kunti is left to raise five children all by herself. Under her care  they grow up into courageous warriors. She  comes back to Hastinapur and becomes Queen Mother. But her troubles never end. . She endures the ordeals of the Lakshagriha and agnyathavasa with her sons.  She finally comes face to face with her first born Karna whom  she had abandoned.Though she recognises him she cannot proclaim it. She endures the pain of watching him being humiliated repeatedly for being of lower caste and not a Kshatriya ( even though he is  one in reality ). Sadly   her five sons are the ones who insult Karna the  most .  They even become sworn enemies..

Kunti faced  discrimination, humiliation, ridicule and vilification throughout her life.

For Karma is  so powerful  that it can  nullify all the blessings & adulation  one may  receive, protection that one  may have, wealth  fame one may attain ,beauty & virtues  which one may be bestowed with…..

If a mythological character like Kunti ,whose life story is an endless saga of

misfortune , sorrow, grief & distress  & without her there would  be

no  Pandavas , no Karna and consequently no Kurukshetra War was not spared  the repercussions of Karma,

What about the mere mortals ?

It is ironical that we alone create our Karma  by our actions(doings) which  we are unable to regulate or maneuver


Thus thinketh  madasambrani

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Innocence....The Spark of life



        ……… The spark of life


Members of a household normally get along like a house on fire. But there are occasions when  the house is on fire because of absurd  aberration on their part. These are times when one seeks seclusion to let tempers simmer down. What better than  spending a few hours in  solitude ?

Sitting on one of the few remaining  vintage stone “Throne” s  at Manu Vana Park ( Opposite law Courts) I suddenly felt someone(somethimg?) tickling my anlkes.  As I jumped  up, I heard a sweet hushed voice   Uncle, can you see if Shylu is somewhere here in the park?  I looked around to see from where the voice was coming, I saw the little hand waving from behind the “Throne”. A little boy not more than 4 years old with a mischievous smile  came from behind and enquired   “ Thatha, have you seen Shylu " ?( note how  uncle changed to Thatha  . " Who is Shylu ? I asked. Without uttering a word he held my hand and said ”Let’s find her”

Strolling  around  with him clinging to my arm,I couldn’t find a child of his age anywhere in the park ”Shylu is not here” I said. He insisted that we look in the adjacent park ( for those who are not aware, Manu vana is actually 2 parks on either side of the busy Vani Vilas Road ) . I hoped to locate  someone who might be looking  for this little Brat..All the while he was busy crawling under benches,  & running around plants .Finding no  sign of his “Shylu” he nonchalantly wiped his  muddy hands on my Trousers,  I asked his name, he recited “T.S.Rohith, Gyanaganga school  son of Sriram & Shylaja." I immediately realized that “ "Shylu” was Shylaja  his mother and not his playmate. It was heartening to note that the kid had been taught to give full details when he is asked only his name. I prodded him further to try & find the location of their home . But the child could provide only vague directions. As darkness would soon set in, I just couldn’t leave him there and go home. So I decided to wait. Sitting next to me with palms on his cheeks he asked:  "Thatha Do you go for Work? “ “Yes at my office” I replied.

  “ Ramu  too goes to work” (obviously referring to Sriram,his dad )Pinching my forearm he giggled “same same .Pointing to the Mobile phone in my pocket  he exclaimed ” I have one also” excitedly and pulled out an expensive handset from his pocket. ”and this is why Shylu is searching for me. We are playing hide & seek ” I was Shocked.

As Minutes passed, I was getting nervous. Suddenly I heard someone from the Park entrance shout “Rohiiiit” .In a flash he  scampered towards some shrubs  screaming Thatha, run fast , lets hide before Shylu catches us",

 I caught him by his by his arm, handed him over to the worried parents. Arms flailing around wildly , he screamed :   "Thatha this is cheating  ... you don’t know to  play hide and seek",

The parents  thanked me for “finding” their son!  . I casually  asked where they lived’ .  To reach their home  they would have to cross three busy roads . I was aghast.

 How did this little one manage to reach the park Unscathed?

I headed home after the chaotic escapade  in a much calmer frame of mind. i also realized that I had  recovered  composure that I might have lost while arriving at the park

 P.S:The bubbly antics of the little bundle of energy were so infectious and the experience electrifying . There was no way I Would,nt Blog this.

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Fairest....catch a Glimpse !


The fairest !

  ………..catch a glimpse

 I have been vested with certain special powers. I can detect the true form of anyone or anything that comes in front of me.even if camouflaged  with  enhancing products and allied masks.Being one of my kind, I was euphoric .But,  problems began manifesting themselves soon.

. Most people who are aware of my skill dread me now due to nature of  results I produce  of various happenings. I’ve been branded as headstrong & insensitive, detested & humiliated . Subjected to all kinds of indignities, I’m paying the price for being objective & docile.  I’ve been ignored, reprimanded & even punched often & treated as an  outcast. Despite the aversion, my presence is accepted, though contemptuously, My influence is mandatory in their lives but without any affection. I’m held guilty of being ignorant of their effort  and struggle. However,I continue to be as detached   to the passion as to the insults. In my opinion,  humiliation and guilt are reasons  for this  one-sided hostility. Unmindful of the slur I’m  discharging my responsibilities  earnestly. My refusal to furnish  flattering  response   has been mistaken for  ruthlessness. I now manage to survive in mortal fear of  of human zealots , who have never witnessed my plight  but would condemn the result  of my effort as fiendish, cruel and having a detrimental effect..


Now, before you jump to conclusions and make comparisons with disgusting  associates,prying relatives , meddlesome friends & such others (spouse?), I will reveal my identity. I am a mirror, - a  dressing table mirror. I was invented solely for the purpose of displaying the true reflection of anyone who stood in front of me. Nowadays, I am a essential part of most dressing rooms, hence the sobriquet (epithet? ) of “Dressing” Mirror.  An obscure object that is forced to observe  several  distasteful antics. I am recognized as a malicious instigator of issues concerning   physical appearance , inferiority complex, emotional insecurity to anyone flirting with me. I am also accused as prime contributor  to everybody’s anxiety.A faithful   “reflection”  by me  triggers nervousness in people .

 Those approaching me expecting gorgeous, deceitful result, begin to challenge my credentials once I display  an honest  reflection. Unable to contain  their petulance they begin disputing  my faithfulness & motive.


Then they begin to review & scrutinize various contributing factors. Many try to tarnish my integrity  by appearing  before me with an enhanced    form of themselves,  expecting me to abandon my inherent honesty &  furnish illusory result. 

When nothing succeeds, they attempt to gain some consolation by insulting  the beautician, dietitian,costumer and stylist. Seething with

 anger, some even refuse to pass  in front of me  despite  affectionate pleas or  intimidation.by relatives & friends. I’ve been witness to such  bizarre incidents ,

Though  some mindfulness is legitimate,  their infatuation with me is beginning frighten me. I am facing a dilemma! .Should I continue to be honest and suffer or indulge in flattery by displaying morphed reflections to pamper the distraught souls?

. I’m now considering getting into  a suitable  AI application which can ascertain and apprise me of  the   individual’s  mood before  I conjure up  pictures which might expose the ineffectiveness of their exertion. In order to ease the resulting annoyance, sympathy followed by acceptance may prove highly rewarding and least hurtful

According to Ayurveda true beauty is composed of three vital elements; a well nourished body,a balanced mind & a peaceful spirit. 

If only people pay more attention to the precepts of Ayurveda rather than to mask, greasepaint & disguise , neither I nor their ego will continue to be shattered.

 Till then I will endure the impasse  in as state of ambivalence, but without   compromising  my exalted moral values. 


Moral causation …On a loop

  Moral causation …                            ..................On a loop   Kunti  is never  considered  as a spectacular or iconic c...