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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Yenta Junta

Yenta   Junta                                        26.08.18

Arriving at the  altap Mani’s Chayya shop, Purali Aratai  Rangan(PAR), finds dear friend Vagepalli  Srinivasa Venkataram (VSV)  sitting on the wooden bench and sipping tea, looking desolate and crestfallen.

PAR: Venku, you don’t look too good. Why?

VSV: Oh! A great misfortune has befallen me. I am ruined. What will I do?

  Putting his arm over a sobbing VSV’s Shoulder, PAR comforts him

PAR: Tell me, what happened?

VSV: Facebook has just closed my profile.

PAR: How? Why?

VSV: They have informed that ever since the Note ban thousands of posts have appeared on facebook but  they have not found a single line posted by me. I am also accused of  avoiding other burning issues like Dhoni or Virat? , Padmavathi or Padmavat? Avani-murder most foul Etc. Etc.

 PAR: Yes Yes, you have blundered. When every single individual is posting on every issue you too should follow .. like a worthy citizen.After all, there is no dearth of Subjects: Triple talaq, Sabarimala, odd-even formula, Ram Mandir, Tukde gang…….

VSV: I wish to keep my views on burning issues to myself

PAR:( Looking bewildered): What? Silence? You are nuts ! 


PAR: You could have at least posted some views on long term effects of Demonitization, GDP etc:

VSV: But, I don’t understand Indian  Economy.

PAR :(Impatiently) : You don’t need to be an economist. Look at all the people who posted : cookery Experts, beauticians, movie review writers !  And you tell me you don’t understand.

PAR: do you at least follow profiles of Bernie Sanders, Bhakth, Dr.Swamy ? As a responsible citizen you are expected to post your views on all current issues. Even one ‘Like’ could have saved your profile.

VSV: I do not follow their posts.

PAR:( Exasperated) What? Whom do you follow then?

VSV: (Smugly): Mark Angel, The Better India, Gaur Gopal Das

PAR: (tearing his hair out ): Aaarghh…Without a FB profile you don't exist. Do you realize that?

Tea Shop Mani (Interjecting): eeee one (Even) I post on faice book (FB)

PAR:(almost in tears) : What do you post ?

Mani (proudly): Press Laikey’(like) on everything I see. I don’t know why VSV Saar doesn’t.

PAR: Oh! VSV, you are completely out of touch with this world, ignoring intellectuals. No wonder your profile is closed. Lucky you are not charged with Treason. You are a disgrace to the country (Almost hysterically), What would you do without a facebook profile?

VSV:  God, I am ashamed of my  negligence….. (Weakly)  I will go home now…..(Looking at his wrist watch)…… ..and watch Bigg Boss.

PAR:  You nincompoop, you # $ * ( @ ^ > (choice expletives) Your life is over. If you don’t have a FB profile, you don’t exist. Do you realize that? Err…Hmmm…. What time does the show start?

1 comment:

YOSEE said...

The poor dear missed the bus ! Did he never realise that The World packed up and moved away from TerraFirma to Cyberspace long ago ? Watching BiggBoss and not even posting a comment on it is a sure sign of a deadly, incurable , incapacitating disease :(

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