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Thursday, December 23, 2021

Miracle mart


Miracle mart

 The biggest ever creation, bigger than anything else that one can imagine is “GOD" , the creator himself.

Strangely, it is HIS wrath and the disastrous consequences of his anger that symbolizes HIS Glory than His benevolence.

It is not Surprising therefore that accidents, misfortunes, catastrophes and anything beyond human control is attributed to “ GOD'S WILL”. As a result hospitals, examination centres, interview chambers are often prominent locations of  prayers to GOD than any temple, church or mosque.  That GOD universally referred to as “magnanimous”, “compassionate” etc; will decimate everything if enraged is a deep-rooted belief.

The more observant among men (Including Women) have realized this   “Fear of God” ensures instant profit and  hence the businesses of machinated religion are proliferating. Peculiar rituals, poojas and prayers have been devised . Dogged by perpetual hardship & pressures the simple, superstitious common man  easily  gets ensnared  in the trickery. As more people begin to  blindly follow the perpetrator he/she  gradually transforms into a Guruji, Baba, mathe, or Devi.

These tricksters , in general, are intelligent organizers and shrewd entrepreneurs and know the tricks of the trade very well. In the name of God, they  run lucrative businesses.  Startup costs and initial investment are negligible. The beard that they grow and the ‘costumes’ they select add to their respectability and influence. All that they need is a patch of land &  initially a gang of ‘chelas’ and gift of  gab to propagate their ‘mystical’ Powers Sadly, even people with knowledge &  power to reason conclude that   this is DEVOUTNESS .

Science has provided modern mankind with immense power of verification. However superstitions & blind-belief are in resurgence, not only in India but all over the world. A sad state of affairs indeed. And no one is more happy about this than the wily GODMAN who rides the road to Billions/crores .


The self styled religious Spiritual Gurus   have recognized the strong  nexus between politicians and religion. They have mastered the art of sowing fear in the weak minded & have started training their agents and apprentices to adopt the same dubious techniques in the political scene.  Gradually it will become more blatant.

Earlier Politicians enlisted goons to do their dirty work.  In time these goons themselves become active politicians.

Every one of these ruffians has his chosen GURUJI  on whom he totally depends to get trained in the art of using deception & fear to dominate people. The more enterprising among these Peddlers of Faith   begin to sidestep the politician . These Charlatans are wizards of deception .

It is no wonder that political public meetings resemble religious satsangs.  Saints, Swamijis,sants, Babas, Gurujis,Mathes, Devis, Padres, Moulvis of all  shades  are prominent Invitees. It will not be wrong to assume that they will be  our new masters and the Rulers of our country.


The day is not too far away   when surrender of the common man will be complete.  With his  revered Baba guiding him in every aspect of life, it will be fair to assume that reason and power of judgement  will be buried  and then he will  live in  peace…. peace… peace!    ओम्  तत्  सत्,

Has the clock struck?


1 comment:

YOSEE said...

Holds a good mirror to the unfortunate state of affairs prevalent today . The few voices of sanity are not loud enough to distract the general din.

Faith in gods and godmen becomes the last resort , the last straw to clutuch to keep sane and afloat when life is buffetted by insurmountable difficulties or perplexities . Even those who profess atheism or Rationalism , secretly harbour such faith . And wily charlatans know how to take advantage of such FenceSitters too . We have today Selfstyled Gurus with admirable gift of gab , who sell well packaged bunkum to suit such wishy washy beliefs . There is no use lamenting over the foolishness of consumers in this market . Each has to walk his own path , stumble on his own rocks and gain his own wisdom .
Democracy gives the Right to live in Fool’s Paradise too !

- vidya

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