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Friday, March 25, 2022

The anywhere,everywhere Bhai


The anywhere, everywhere Bhai

Open app, gawk at the menu that flash out, choose a meal. Add to cart, select coupon codes to chip away at the total price.  click — and the food will be delivered in 20 minutes flat from a restaurant 10 kilometres away.

The door bell rings. Yes, the delicious crunchy  Veg. Burger has arrived in a cardboard box. Never mind if it is 2.00 am or 1.30 pm. Just thank Zomato , Swiggy, pizza hut, deliveroo, domino’s or any of the thriving Food Aggregators

The small, frail  man climbing up the stairs is hardly noticed.No time to exchange pleasantries with that nondescript apparition attired in standard bright colured Tee shirt , a large square back pack strung on his back.     The delivery is done. Quick & clinical. The only thought is to just grab the box .It is only when he hesitantly enquires about the bill, that he is noticed. God ! has he not heard of  digital payments ?

The man who one prefers to quicky   dismiss as nonexistent apologizes for having dared to verify payment, taken a few extra seconds off the customer’s valuable time, for having prolonged the conversation longer than it should have usually lasted.  With noticeable awkwardness, he explains that he’s new to the job & the city  hence the unwarranted extra seconds.  Asking for directions in such a well-known part of the city?  The busy customer, not used to taking his eyes off   the screen of his mobile phone for such long periods  of time gets visibly uncomfortable  

There’s a bunch of impatient, hungry mouths back inside the room, the grunts and groans become louder with every passing second – desperately hoping that  man would leave. Or has the sun, pouring rain, freezing outdoor temperatures , the treacherous  city traffic blunted his senses that he has become incapable of picking up even barely veiled insults?

The archetypal Customer isn’t used to small talk ,least of all with with strangers, especially when it doesn’t concern  business, pleasure or money.The prize they have earned  for acquiring   fancied degrees and lucrative placements. They have hardly any time for themselves, considering ironically that they end up spending most of their time either re-filling that  cavernous  fridge or clearing off  its shriveled  contents.

But, the delivery man is happy that for once, his conversations are not just limited to  GPS   or handling surly tantrums. He is now chattering about how good  his son is at studies and how he longs to see his family after months of scampering between eateries and homes on his borrowed bike .

His phone rings: one can  hear the next grumpy customer hollering from far away . He picks up his bag knowing he’s overstayed & bids goodbye. On one side of the door, the delivery man leaves, his rating perhaps nose-diving, and his incentive now a mirage & his next meal way off. On the other side, the customer rips open the package of scrumptious dinner.

Most delivery workers join under the impression that they can earn a significant amount of money, but end up constantly battling job insecurity, variable pay, increasing fuel prices, inconsistency in incentives, and perpetual shortage of money in hand

Delivery workers are also required to use their own bikes and bear cost of fuel, repair and maintenance, phones and data plans, and even company branded merchandise such as T-shirts, and phone covers.

And now, the “customer is king” motto stretched to its limits — lightning-fast deliveries; outrageous discounts; extraordinary offers, pandering to customers on electronic & social media— has resulted in the   marginalization of an entire section of unorganized workforce   who go by the glorified name “Delivery Partners” and form the backbone of  the ever expanding market of food aggregators:                                   

They are like footballs – kicked around from here to there, from customer support team to hub manager to God knows where !

While restaurants, Malls & shops remained closed during the Covid-19 pandemic, delivery men were slogging incessantly to deliver everything that citizens needed at their doorstep. The customer knows very little or nothing about the actual implementation that ultimately led up to the meal in front of them.

A loud shout-out to the indefatigable “Delivery Riders” who are mostly always at the door on the dot, will not be out of place


Note:One will also occasionally encounter the young student who attends class during the day and works at night, to earn his fees for college. Or the older man, whose family has severed connection with him. Or even a village yokel attempting to make it      ‘big’ in the city. And yes, there are pleasant customers and petulant ones, just like there are irritable delivery boys and cheerful ones. This is a slightly over-stated & dramatized account, only to reflect the general prevailing circumstances.


1 comment:

YOSEE said...

Home delivery was most certainly a very big blessing during the recent uncertain times . And the delivery partners who braved unknown dangers to help us get our necesities , were certainly angels on wheels . I have always been grateful to them and shown appreciation . Though it is true that there have been behavioural mishaps , by and large , they desrve our resoect .

A recent proclamation by one of the Aggregator companies of delivering orders in 10 mins flat , is very unfair on the boys and downright dangerous ; very irresponsible to pressurise a two wheeler driver to speed over bad roads and dismal traffic to filfill that absurd promise . Customers should refuse such offers.

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