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Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Conflict and a whole body experience

 Conflict and a whole body experience

It’s common knowledge that “Fight or bolt” is our first response to any threat.  For more than five decades , I believed this implied   quick exit   from the scene ( in car ie; ). As I am now unable  to  run  even to save my own life,  It remains a distinct possibility that   I must have devised an  effective  form of self-preservation  unconsciously. Sometimes I even Hallucinate that I have established some form of survival instinct mechanism for the whole of mankind.

Observing my unsophisticated attempts at getting fit after a recent health scare,  two fitness conscious old Bandicoots, my childhood friends   took pity on me and badgered  me ( anyboby can  counsel us these days , the world has evolved!  ) on the virtues of metabolic conditioning in any fitness/ weight loss programme. They  went on to lecture  me on how running is as significant  to people  as breathing. I thought for a moment .How true!  to survive cavemen had to run – either to escape from ferocious predators  or  to  fetch dinner .. Running has been our way of life since the beginning of human race they declared,  hailing the exploits of Jim Hines,  Charles Greene . & others.Everyone has the potential   to achieve,  they  concluded even as I asked myself  “ are these Wacky Geezers including themselves in the list?”

Harassed & hounded, I made an ambitious foray into a barn of agony that most millennial fondly refer to as  ‘gym’. I looked around at the  various contraptions that looked like construction equipment . At the behest of the Trainer, who I suspect had already been suitably Primed by the  two well -meaning  friends, I climbed on to the treadmill belt. Although the control panel resembled a cockpit console of an  aircraft,  I felt  consoled by the sight of a red “Kill” switch  that would stop  the machine instantly. After pressing some assorted buttons, I began to walk without covering any distance  and no landscape,pedestrians, vehicles  or scenery passed by. With a wicked twinkle in his eye, The trainer ramped up  the speed . In less than  30 seconds ,  my legs were rendered  rubbery and  heart pounded like a jack hammer,. Questions like why am I punishing myself ?”, “ is this body the real me?”,  “What if I don’t look like Mr.Universe?”and “ after all this where is the guarantee that my  fat will melt”?  Persistently riddled the mind.Stung  by these deadly  queries, I was on the verge of  collapsing .Yet,  the trainer prompted   me  to continue .


I somehow managed to survive  two minutes ( a whole 120 Secs)when my mind & body conspired , plying compelling evidences for quitting this drudgery . I was on the verge of yielding to the dictates of my mind when the trainer reminded me of the prized goal and how “minor” inconveniences yielded   grand rewards.

But, At seven minutes, my body and mind hammered in their unanimous verdict to abort the mission. And I readily surrendered to the epochal verdict. I staggered off towards the exit. Once home,I sank into that cushioned chair in front of the TV with deep  gratitude for the familiar Cozy surroundings.

 Mulling over the  disaster I was amazed by the intensity of the duel between mind and body whenever an unaccustomed activity is pursued. Mind’s ability to initially woo, then persuade &  ultimately intimidate is disconcerting.

I am now satisfied that controlling our mind is a formidable but nobler task. Therefore,I have banished the idea of jogging ( & affectionate advise too) and such other  “belligerent” activities.  I am now a devout fan of meditation, which is vastly non-violent and spiritually elevating.

  My weight loss programme continues to remain a cherished dream

  But wait, just now an ad ticker is flitting across the TV screen, which reads  “Lose   unwanted weight the easy way, by doing……………… nothing, for details Whattsapp: 8*********”.  That chattering monkey in the head is going berserk.


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Tranquil Vibes


Tranquil Vibes

There is nothing more delightful in the world than the countryside. We ascertained this again on our anniversary yesterday when we decided to become wanderers for a day to   satisfy our craving 



So we drove down to Karighatta the  destination in our minds .Even as we turned off the highway,  we were  driving amidst  paddy , sugarcane  fields and Coconut groves .We made several stops by the lush greenery and river banks , pausing  to imbibe  pleasant moments around small hillocks, patches of Chrysanthemum & marigold to savor  what we are missing in life in the city.

For me it was a joyous time as I soaked in  Nature’s lap .

Sometimes the most priceless moments don’t happen at famous tourist sites, they happen when you leave the beaten path behind and just explore.

We drove  down random country  tracks  as we imbibed the leisurely pace of life  and  enjoyed   life in the countryside for a short while.

In the absence of tourism & heavy human footfall, this idyllic setting where the cocks still crow and the Bicycles are 60 years old  ,will still manage to remain intact. But for how long? Highways have already reached these remote and inaccessible places, and the ugliness has begun to  raise its head.

What cost “Progress”?


Friday, November 15, 2024

Around the Bend

 Around the Bend

The Thought of many thoughts troubles me often . So thought of posting a few of my stupid thoughts which I thought will not let your thoughts go crazy. So here Goes:.


Expertly maneuvering the Phytonic Blue BMW X3 through the city traffic, he began to chat with the smart young man seated on the passenger side. This is the    Sheer Driving Pleasure I was after”Hushed cabin, stellar NVH”.- gearbox is a gem, is really quick”…….. he boasted & went on and on. The young man nodded in acknowledgement. .   30 minutes & 12 Kms later, the car glided in, the young man received the Keys and said: “ I am sure you liked the test Drive Sir?  When are you planning to take delivery Sir ? 

“All in good time .Thank you for the Test drive & the Juice” he replied. Putting on the helmet he drove away on his beloved Bajaj Chetak.



“Yes, Yes .Yes”  he screamed “ my 1000th” . He somehow managed to control his trembling body. A perfect  job he gushed .  He treated himself to tea at the stall at the street corner while his Associates were  completing   their jobs. Finishing his tea the renowned stalker  clambered on to the  van. In his profession people are recognized by the number of ambushes achieved. Now 1000 it was. So he knew soon he would be recognized.  The poor mongrel untangled and bundled into the cage in the City Corporation Van  yelped ,

 Moment of warmth

Crowds gathered at the village Temple. Festoons, Garlands, banana stalks LED string lights decorated the entire street.  Rows and rows of banana leaves were laid out inside shamiyana erected on the open ground adjacent to the temple..At the designated time the villagers were directed to occupy the  dining chairs. Drums started  beating, nadaswaram &all sorts of musical instruments whipped up a cacophony of deafening sound . The crowds surged to have a glimpse of the Queen. She arrived,decked up in Royal finery on a chariot, and was escorted to the temple. Soon  she made  a grand entry to the diners’ area, She moved from table to table, The villagers reciprocated with folded hands.  Women wept holding the Queen’s hands, a few crawled from under the dining tables &  fell at her feet  She slowly made  her way to the chariot and greeted the crowd.  The chariot disappeared on the dusty roads.


  CUT’  roared   the director through the megaphone.  On the outskirts of the village The Queen along with a dozen technicians seated on a steel folding chair waited for their plate of    Lime  Rice and tea. Nearer the temple the feeding frenzy in the dining area was at its fiercest. 


He sat there terrified. . He was committed to venturing into Unknown zone. He saw the gun being lifted and aimed at his bare chest. No turning back now. After all he was the unquestioned goon  of his locality.He closed his eyes and prayed ” God make this quick &  painless”. Clenching his fists tightly he waited . And then he heard the humming of the Tattoo Gun as it moved across his chest making deft strokes.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

I Again


I again......... வந்துட்டன்  

Oh! My God, see, how many issues have cropped up! All   because I haven’t written  a blog for quite some time!  :

Prices have sky rocketed, Super Star’s Movie has run…aaaway ! Scion of with a faulty brain-mouth connection has gone silent, Beloved Arjuna has departed,  Pujara & Shami are forgotten. “ M’haari chhahori” of Haryana is attempting to strike Gold in  more lucrative Profession,,,,, half of Wayanaad is now  mungimarikkunnu naad . Alright, OK so if I Write Blogs regularly will any of the above mentioned things Change?

“We,The people  have chosen Governance of our Country & State. So, Status Quo it is  & Status Quo it will be! ,

Nevertheless I am sorry for this long Absence. It is widely believed (among men i.e) that after marriage one has to sacrifice the Right of Speech. But in my case, I think advancing age is beginning to claim my  Right to Write.  I find myself transforming into a Responsible(Ahem) சிறந்த குடும்ப தலைவன். Home,Home.Home is my set routine now. But, please nobody should even remotely assume  that I have moved mountains or   caught big fish   earlier.Having said this, I suspect  that Deepavali  fireworks will explode at close Quarters. யாமிருக்க பயமேன்!’” assures Murugan  from  calendar  in front 

Earlier I could write anything I wished without hesitation. Not so now.”should everyone suffer this?”the question is asked. The way things are moving, like  “Shivaji Ganesan” burning on screen “Nakkeeran to ashes in “Tiruvilayaadal”  with the help of a  ‘Fountain” fire cracker on his forehead , a lot of silly people can pop-up on the Laptop camera  and try to terrorize   you with fierce Stares  .Don’t worry. If you want to call a Spade (ஒரு லூசு)  a Spade ( லூசு) go right ahead. Just shout “Kangra-rations” brother “Kangra-rations” at the bloke in the camera  like I do &/or   use a Laptop without camera & block messanger!

 There is something that I am Unable to Understand.the noise about Bhagyamma For those like me who cannot understand the significance ,  our Tagaru, at peace with the Kanakapura Rocks explained that everyone holding hands should wear the White Kurta, Dhothi as he does. They should not worry about the little damages to the attire magnanimously doled out by him. Neither should they hide the defects (read holes).A few bold hands are pointing out that the primary function  of an attire is to protect chastity.  Can that be Changed? That is the whole issue.Every time the obstinate ram delivers attires of different colours to the faithful hands they return the same with complaints of  a large tear or loose stitch. There is also a murmur whether obstinate ram from Varuna  will himself  be wearing the same attire? Be that as it may, one  can only pray that in between someone will not sneak from behind and  snatch our Dhothi .”Bharath Mata ki Jai”      

And so this was it is. I am wondering if circuses still exist. I am getting  my answer the very next moment as  I turn on not only the regional  news channel. But  National Channels too.. For the last six months it,s been   Aishwarya Rai’s Divorce(Doesn’t matter to  them if it is only Rumour),  Boss’ holiday in solitude & the 21st century home-coming of the Prince of Iksvaku dynasty  to his beloved Saaketa on the banks of Saryu. One channel is even telecasting on their prime time( of 26 hours/day)  a show of 1008 episodes with the sole aim of proving to world that their channel has exclusive “breaking” (our head ie:) evidences to prove that the current landing  is many times more extravagant than  the initial one executed  by the Lord ,The spice  that they add to anything and everything  has just gone against them in my eyes. Every news is (heart) “ breaking”. Give them a mosquito  and they will give you an elephant. Such is their magnanimity , power of exaggeration  & sense of Patriotism.

TRP of One particular channel is soaring with a highly creative presentation of the extrodinary Story of Gangavva Bheemappa Haadimani  of Araligidad oni,Soundatti 591126, Belgaum Disrtict  who has vanquished   other women in   clashes over filling up water from a public tap.with her extraordinary  lung power & Choice vocabulary .She remains the unchallenged  Queen of Public Tap for the past 462 days. The channel is planning a grand reception to celebrate her 500th duel as a token of their “Appreciation”( read soaring TRP)

Sensing a chance, other channels are already releasing teasers of Stories like “Birth of a buffalo calf”  “ the night the moon disappeared” ( must be Amavasya, you idiot)  etc;

Now you  tell me, would all this be different, if I write blogs regularly?

Well, just posted  the usual involuntary, inane  wisecracks & MSG . it’s nearing midnight, 2/5th of the family has  gone out of  town today*.1/5th is out saving nature from Annihilation,1/5th my constant companion for the past 2 years is sleeping peacefully & me the remaining 1/5th  just now posted* this and went to sleep.

To all of you, who read this and feel I could do with longer/regular  absence and to those of you who read this & smiled with the fanciful hope that I will  write worthwhile  posts

Warm regards

Madasambrani /டசம்ப்ராணி

·       Actually didn’t’ post then, but posting now!

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Forest,Rain & Serenity......Breathe Easy


Forest, Rain & serenity

                          ……………. Breathe easy


  Mountains, the emerald forests  & grandeur  of nature have always been sources of strong attraction. For the avid wildlife enthusiast a safari in the jungles always provides  immeasurable thrill. Just being immersed in the resplendence, and detecting a variety of animals in their natural habitat is a delightful feeling.

Bandipur, Nagarahole, BR Hills, K Gudi, Cauvery Wildlife sanctuary, Mutthanga & Mudumalai have  been  regular destinations for as long as one can remember Whenever there is a  craving  for  rejuvenation the first thought is to head for these enchanting places. The visits have worked unfailingly as a relaxing detox for body and mind.

An opportunity to indulge in such an enjoyable monsoon diversion presented itself last week and the family headed for Bandipur. The forest looked Gorgeous .Often a mundane wildlife safari can turn into a  most memorable event – and that is exactly what it turned out for us .Light train continued to spray the forests spreading the enticing smell of moist earth and wild vegetation - And it literally Rained Tuskers of all type – calm, aggressive, aloof , young, adult and daddy of them all.

 Posting a few of the images I clicked of the pachyderms as also some selected  ones of other species.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Small acts, Big Impact

 Small acts, Big Impact

Anyone venturing into Nature will be enraptured by its resplendence. There is something about nature that holds everyone spellbound. The manifestation of this power is a state of ecstasy, of bliss .No words can precisely express the feeling. All the same, I will make an attempt.

Spending quality time in the breathtaking expanses establishes that we are only a minuscule speck in the boundless canvas called Nature. An overpowering feeling that we are not separate from nature and that there is some consciousness which is common to everything gradually sinks in. we are able to see above petty issues and are engulfed in joy which ultimately calms our mind.

How does nature sustain us?

Food, water, medicine, materials for shelter, nutrients and everything that is required for life to thrive on this planet is provided by the nature. Weather patterns and seasons  follow the Laws of Nature.

Unfortunately,Our planet is currently suffering environmental degradation and devastation at   a staggering rate.  Ecosystems are being increasingly subjected to adverse effects of human avariciousness due to  population explosion   . Climate change due to  loss of habitat  , fragmentation , proliferation  of invasive species, collection  of toxic  pollutants have wrecked   natural  and biological systems and is becoming a cause for grave  concern for the survival of countless  species .

Trees are being  cut down , and  then  concrete structures “Planted”

The world  will face a great deal of challenges in the future. Floods, cyclones, forest fires, drought, and other  disasters are happening more frequently.Nature is sending out the distress signals.

Environment needs to be healed, and it’s the humans’ responsibility because we survive on earth, and enjoy the bountiful resources of nature. But, If we assume that it is our right to plunder & shatter the biological clock, we need to accept that nature too possesses  its own mechanism to survive, sustain & flourish  and once unleashed it can spell  doom for Humans.

Nothing can sum up the situation better than the Chinese  Proverb “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago…… The second-best time is NOW.”

As an incorrigible wilderness freak, I often discuss with friends and experts  about the scale of Environmental devastation and specifically what each one of us  should be doing about it. While it’s a simple question,  it isn’t as simple to answer!

Mother Earth is a munificent giver and  we could help  a bit by reciprocating.    Though a large number of people understand the need for environmental protection they wait for that small nudge from the back to get going.

 Businesses are  indicating their readiness to step up.As awareness about this urgent issue is rising,  so too have corporate efforts. The number of national and community level initiatives is also increasing.

However public  participation in environmental protection plays a pivotal role in promoting a strong and gratifying relationship between society and the environment.

 The fundamental duty of each citizen regarding environment is clearly enshrined in our *constitution   . It states, “It should be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for the living creatures”.*under Article 51A(g)

Instead of just brooding over having a better environment if every citizen Starts taking action to protect the environment, future generations will be assured of getting  a better planet to live on.   No deed is too big or too small. It is the action that matters..

Ultimately, tackling the effects of environment degradation is vital , & also a moral and compassionate one. Our commitment should be towards making mother earth a  better place for other beings. By taking action to revive environment, habitats and wildlife, we can ensure that we leave a healthy and sustainable planet for future generations.

           The world celebrates its Environment day on 5th June 2024

This year’s campaign focuses on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #Generation Restoration.” 

HOST: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

          My Resolutions on Environment day  5th June 2024

.Use,reuse.recycle, Reusable Water bottle, shop local seasonal

.Devote time for  physical work,compost kitchen waste

cut water,energy use,mindful packaging, no to fast changing fashion

 no to single use plastic items,cut food waste, go out into Nature


Moral causation …On a loop

  Moral causation …                            ..................On a loop   Kunti  is never  considered  as a spectacular or iconic c...