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Sunday, November 10, 2024

I Again


I again......... வந்துட்டன்  

Oh! My God, see, how many issues have cropped up! All   because I haven’t written  a blog for quite some time!  :

Prices have sky rocketed, Super Star’s Movie has run…aaaway ! Scion of with a faulty brain-mouth connection has gone silent, Beloved Arjuna has departed,  Pujara & Shami are forgotten. “ M’haari chhahori” of Haryana is attempting to strike Gold in  more lucrative Profession,,,,, half of Wayanaad is now  mungimarikkunnu naad . Alright, OK so if I Write Blogs regularly will any of the above mentioned things Change?

“We,The people  have chosen Governance of our Country & State. So, Status Quo it is  & Status Quo it will be! ,

Nevertheless I am sorry for this long Absence. It is widely believed (among men i.e) that after marriage one has to sacrifice the Right of Speech. But in my case, I think advancing age is beginning to claim my  Right to Write.  I find myself transforming into a Responsible(Ahem) சிறந்த குடும்ப தலைவன். Home,Home.Home is my set routine now. But, please nobody should even remotely assume  that I have moved mountains or   caught big fish   earlier.Having said this, I suspect  that Deepavali  fireworks will explode at close Quarters. யாமிருக்க பயமேன்!’” assures Murugan  from  calendar  in front 

Earlier I could write anything I wished without hesitation. Not so now.”should everyone suffer this?”the question is asked. The way things are moving, like  “Shivaji Ganesan” burning on screen “Nakkeeran to ashes in “Tiruvilayaadal”  with the help of a  ‘Fountain” fire cracker on his forehead , a lot of silly people can pop-up on the Laptop camera  and try to terrorize   you with fierce Stares  .Don’t worry. If you want to call a Spade (ஒரு லூசு)  a Spade ( லூசு) go right ahead. Just shout “Kangra-rations” brother “Kangra-rations” at the bloke in the camera  like I do &/or   use a Laptop without camera & block messanger!

 There is something that I am Unable to Understand.the noise about Bhagyamma For those like me who cannot understand the significance ,  our Tagaru, at peace with the Kanakapura Rocks explained that everyone holding hands should wear the White Kurta, Dhothi as he does. They should not worry about the little damages to the attire magnanimously doled out by him. Neither should they hide the defects (read holes).A few bold hands are pointing out that the primary function  of an attire is to protect chastity.  Can that be Changed? That is the whole issue.Every time the obstinate ram delivers attires of different colours to the faithful hands they return the same with complaints of  a large tear or loose stitch. There is also a murmur whether obstinate ram from Varuna  will himself  be wearing the same attire? Be that as it may, one  can only pray that in between someone will not sneak from behind and  snatch our Dhothi .”Bharath Mata ki Jai”      

And so this was it is. I am wondering if circuses still exist. I am getting  my answer the very next moment as  I turn on not only the regional  news channel. But  National Channels too.. For the last six months it,s been   Aishwarya Rai’s Divorce(Doesn’t matter to  them if it is only Rumour),  Boss’ holiday in solitude & the 21st century home-coming of the Prince of Iksvaku dynasty  to his beloved Saaketa on the banks of Saryu. One channel is even telecasting on their prime time( of 26 hours/day)  a show of 1008 episodes with the sole aim of proving to world that their channel has exclusive “breaking” (our head ie:) evidences to prove that the current landing  is many times more extravagant than  the initial one executed  by the Lord ,The spice  that they add to anything and everything  has just gone against them in my eyes. Every news is (heart) “ breaking”. Give them a mosquito  and they will give you an elephant. Such is their magnanimity , power of exaggeration  & sense of Patriotism.

TRP of One particular channel is soaring with a highly creative presentation of the extrodinary Story of Gangavva Bheemappa Haadimani  of Araligidad oni,Soundatti 591126, Belgaum Disrtict  who has vanquished   other women in   clashes over filling up water from a public tap.with her extraordinary  lung power & Choice vocabulary .She remains the unchallenged  Queen of Public Tap for the past 462 days. The channel is planning a grand reception to celebrate her 500th duel as a token of their “Appreciation”( read soaring TRP)

Sensing a chance, other channels are already releasing teasers of Stories like “Birth of a buffalo calf”  “ the night the moon disappeared” ( must be Amavasya, you idiot)  etc;

Now you  tell me, would all this be different, if I write blogs regularly?

Well, just posted  the usual involuntary, inane  wisecracks & MSG . it’s nearing midnight, 2/5th of the family has  gone out of  town today*.1/5th is out saving nature from Annihilation,1/5th my constant companion for the past 2 years is sleeping peacefully & me the remaining 1/5th  just now posted* this and went to sleep.

To all of you, who read this and feel I could do with longer/regular  absence and to those of you who read this & smiled with the fanciful hope that I will  write worthwhile  posts

Warm regards

Madasambrani /டசம்ப்ராணி

·       Actually didn’t’ post then, but posting now!


YOSEE said...

Most definitely , Yes ! Things do change when a humourous Blogpost is created and shared . The Bhagya-veshtis may continue to be “hole-some’ ; WaterTap Warrior Queens will continue to fortify their lungs ,; tomatoes will still cost 49 Rupees . But The Mind , where our World really is , can transform into a much lighter thing and keep a grip on Sanity and Peace , thanks to such madasambrani projects - a device that delivers the benefits on both sides , the production side and the consumer side !

Adi said...

Hilarious and entertaining as usual.Forces me to side track into long forgotten rabbit holes and reconnect with my childhood - keep blogging regularly Sir.

Guhan said...


Sandhya said...

A holesome reality check! Aren't all dharma yudhams tap side fights?.
While the delusional powermongers are breaking TRP, your blogs are breaking into our mornings with meaningful hilarity! Now I must step away to make some serious decisions on path breaking matters this morning- idliya doseya, swiggya ille namble pannalama?

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