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Monday, March 18, 2019

                                            ……a short season

 I was watching the evergreen tamil Movie “Tiruvilaiaadal” on the TV Screen recently. Just as the epic temple scene involving Sivaji Ganesan and Nagesh   was unfolding, the youngest member of the family, made her way to the dining hall after finishing  homework & ready for her mandatory dose of the cartoon series ‘Doraemon” . Hesitant  to demand a change  in channel,she had to put up with the tamil movie.Gradually giggles emanated indicating signs of enjoyment. Nagesh’s antics and physical contortions: bending backwards or scrambling up the Pillars evoked uncontrolled laughter. I was surprised that the ancient movie  enjoyed by our generation  could entertain children even now, in the days of Super-hero,Vfx  dominated movies.

My mind drifted ,recollecting the early days of simple joy, when there was no TV, and no Google to satisfy Curiosity. Play time meant fresh air, the outdoors, playing till one dropped down to the Knees, only to be pampered  with a hot tumbler of   ovaltine or Bournvita.  Addictive games like  Xbox ,candy crush or angry birds were unheard of. ‘Land & Water”, ‘hide n Seek’, ‘hopscotch’,’ lagori’, Kite Flying provided utmost excitement. I  believe that   computer games, consoles and tablets are no match to any these beautiful games.
 We made our own set of Regulations and Galli Cricket with whimsical Rules was the highlight, often played within the  compound walls of the dilapidated Govt. Tamil School. No fours or Sixes could be scored. Hitting the Tennis ball hard towards the Walls and taking off  for a run even as  hapless fielders scampered behind ricocheting balls was joy. A ball hit to the adjoining road meant that you were out. On rare occasions when the ball sailed  into a nearby house, the entire team(Gang) confronted by  screaming Aunties/Uncles  would perform  vanishing acts which were as impressive as  any of Houdini’s tricks.  

How can one forget the four anna (25Ps) per hour rental for bicycles  hired  from Sattar’s Shop  or the longing for  opaque glass marbles which were available only at Ramanna’s Corner Shop?

Multi-coloured striped lollipops and  tangy crescent shaped ‘Orange” and “Lemon’ Candies were everyone’s favorite.’Maggi’,’Lays’ ‘Chetos’ were not even in their embryonic stage.
Movie going was a ritual by itself: A smartly dressed & perfumed  Grandfather    leading the entourage  on his prescious”BSA’ Bicycle, Mother and we siblings in Papanna’s Tonga with Father bringing up the rear on his Bicycle   I must confess though that the Ballal Hotel Jamoon & masala Dosa  treat after the movie was the more favoured  attraction.
Ah! Childhood : days of uninhibited laughter, inquisitive probing, games, purposeless frolic, the days of wishful imagination, thoughtless questions,muddy clothes,hurting legs , Prodigious joys ! Crazy  Eh?  . Little did we know that years later we would look back at those days and sigh –“Those were the golden days!”
Sometimes I feel sorry for children of this generation. How different things are! The simple yet fun filled atmosphere is missing. Outdoor activities are diminishing as are open grounds. Their world seems to thrive in front of expensive  electronic Gadgets or cartoon channels in confined spaces. Are they having as much Fun? I hope and pray they are. Or maybe they actually are !  and it is just that I am missing my good old childhood days.     

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