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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Tradition – Myth or Science?


There is currently no approved treatment or vaccine for COVID-19.Various lines of treatment have been proposed and practiced to treat patients of COVID-19. Including well tried anti-viral drugs used in influenza. However, none of these have been certified by conclusive clinical trial so far. Coronavirus has therefore has become a point of concern for pharmaceutical companies. The non availability of trusted anti viral drugs  in the market has compounded the problem.  People’s attention has now turned to traditional medicines. Suddenly there is a huge surge in the demand for traditional and home remedies

 The traditional medicine communities have been prescribing several herbal formulations for prevention and treatment, resulting in heavy demand for indigenous ingredients

Ever Since the pandemic engulfed India, the sale of local immunity boosting products has increased manifold. Products containing seeds & leaf of Tulasi plant, ginger, Turmeric, honey, Jeera, Cinnamon, Clove, garlic, lime and flax seeds are being used like never before. Grand mother’s ‘Kashayam’ & other remedies have become great hits.

 Celebrities, are sharing their immunity-boosting diets with their fans & many have said that Daily practice of yoga helps in developing a positive outlook


Traditional Knowledge is conceived  from experience gained over the centuries and modified  to  local culture, It  takes the form of stories, songs, folklore, cultural values, beliefs, rituals, local dialect ,and other forms  including  development of indigenous plant species and local cattle breeds and  have  been  practiced through  songs, parables, & carvings through the ages.

Innumerable species, including plants and animals are found in India.  The Himalayas & the Western Ghats are considered the planet’s important biodiversity hotspots. Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani, are systems that were developed thousands of years ago.

Because of its ancientness, Traditional wisdom has been frequently confused with blind belief.and has even been looked down upon by “Society” It is a expertise that has been developed, mastered and passed down the generations from time immemorial. But, unfortunately, somewhere along the line, Indians either took it for granted or adopted to the alien western way of living.

The case of Biligiri Rangaswamy temple (BRT) wildlife Sanctuary is testament to the ecological devastation that followed eviction of the Soliga Tribe, the forest dwellers who evolved a way of life over centuries which, is intertwined with the forest and forest resources. Soligas have ensured  the forest is protected from  degradation(Depredation?) by man and nature, by exercising  their  unique  conservation technique Theregubenki(The grass fire) applied with  seasonal natural occurrence of  hullumuriyagaali (the grass breaking wind), the speedy nagaragaali  (snake wind) bittanegaali( seed dispersing breeze). BRT was declared a Tiger reserve in 2011 and the Soligas lost their traditional Home. Progressively,the condition of the forest deteriorated with infestation of parasites and weeds like lantana & Parthenium after the government banned theregubinki inside the Tiger reserve.  Animals fled in absence of food. Herd sizes of herbivores   diminished drastically.

Wasteland now

Forest then

It what is a travesty & tragedy  the displaced Soligas were drafted under Rural Employment Scheme for removing lantana and other weeds around their former homes. . The opportunity was utilized by Kadinamade Gowda* a soliga headman, who fired a small patch inside the  forest to prove his intrinsic  tribal knowledge. 32  new seedlings of indigeneous tree species sprouted in the patch, whereas only lantana proliferated  the adjoining area.”

The truth of these insights have been substantiated by eminent ecologists and even forest officials. Studies on forests management in other places  through  similar controlled burning proved that  Soligas’ wisdom is well founded .A former additional principal chief conservator of forests says For the past 15 years we have rigidly stifled litter fire, but time has come now to immediately have a relook.

 Lantana explosion has also choked regeneration of trees and grass in the  tiger Reserve To compound the situation, a large number of trees like the famous BR hill gooseberry,wild Mango and Jackfruit which have been perennial source of food for elephants, deer & gaur  have  perished  due to  parasitic plant infestation

 Theregubinki is the best solution, but it will be difficult to revert to it as the forest is choked by lantana and other invasive weeds Setting fire to lantana will be. Suicidal. It will trigger huge forest fires says Kadinamade Gowda

In the meanwhile, western countries  quietly researched on ancient Indian traditions and concepts which culminated in some companies & corporates being awarded patents  for, “use of turmeric & its extracts in wound healing”  ,Neem for “pesticidal properties” & Basmati for “rice Strains ” all of which are India’s centuries old know-how & legacy.

  Following an uproar by concerned citizen groups the awards were challenged through Appeal. The patent granted in each of the cases was revoked as they lacked in originality and ingenious Character.

Traditional Knowledge is a priceless wealth and it has immense potential to solve many of Humanity’s problems. Harnessing this ancient & valuable knowledge is in the hands of the younger & future generations.By Nurturing and propagating the same, India could well be a trendsetter in securing Global wellness.


Vidya Dadati Vinayam, Vinaya Dadati Paatrataam

Paatratva Dhanamaapnoti, Dhanaat Dharmam Tatah Sukham

(Knowledge gives discipline, discipline gives worthiness,

Worthiness gives wealth, from wealth (one gets) righteousness & contentment).



*P.S: I met Kadinamade Gowda some 30  years back while travelling on a Bus to BR hills. Thereafter, I have had several interactions with “Kaadu”. His knowledge of forest, wildlife & endemic species was phenomenal. At the time of writing, I tried contacting him but heard that he had passed away in 2017.Will miss my go-to man in BR Hills.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Breaking Spree

The Breaking  Spree


Create news’ screams CEO of ಮಿಂಚು TV operating with the punchline :ಶರದಷ್ಟೇ ನೇರ at the petrified anchor. “What has the world come to? No indiscretions by third line starlets,no traffic offence by affluent brats, no ancient building crash, no slum brawl, not even a wife beating or chain snatching incident. Our existence is threatened! ”

Even as he is sulking over the ‘misfortune’ he answers the phone. In a jiffy, the CEO is up. He shouts orders. The anchor is directed to reserve the next 65 hours for a juicy new story. A highly excitable Srinivas Kebburvadi, the channel’s star Reporter with a huge fan following, popularly known as “Minch Seena” is immediately dispatched to site to cover the story about a four year old girl who had fallen into a bore well.

 On arrival at site “Minch Seena” attends to the PR formalities with the village headman, profusely extolling his virtues and concern for the affected family and transmits a 4 minute video to the studio.

(Psst : on a similar occasion earlier  a village head had threatned to slice off the camera cables because he was ignored and not provided with enough screen presence)

“Minch Seena” commences the frenzy …….. As if on cue the women folk of the hamlet start the wailing & breast beating routine which the camera captures, accompanied by soulful tunes of violin. 

“Minch Seena” is sufficiently pumped up and rambling  away around 450 words / minute @ 102 decibels & 210 Hz. in one breath.The atmosphere is electric. Even as he bends down pointing to the mouth of a hole drilled by the side of the bore well to reach the hapless girl, the anchor at the studio  lets out a roar.  An already excited “Minch Seena” topples head first into the hole.ಮಿಂಚು TVs screen goes blank.

The resourceful production team at the studio begins airing stock scenes of Groups of women lighting lamps & children praying at the famous temple in town, while the ubiquitous Municipal Corporator and his ‘boys’ smash coconuts by the dozen.

It has been 47 hours since the girl fell into the bore well. ಮಿಂಚು TV has put a chronometer at a corner in its screen to indicate how long it has been since their reporter fell.

There are unconfirmed reports that some State Disaster Rescue Force personnel              involved in the Rescue Operations have been coerced by ಮಿಂಚು TV  channel to rescue their Star reporter  first so that he could cover the news of the child being rescued dead or alive, as the  substitute  reporter can never be as  boisterous  & maniacal”.

The channel flashes the news crawler ಚೆನ್ನವ್ವಳನ್ನು ರಕ್ಷಿಸಲೇಬೇಕು” incessantlly

During a similar accident earlier  the Channel’s reporter   missed the videos of the child being brought out, as he had taken pee break at the same moment.. The channel is not ready to take chances this time.

Meanwhile reporters from other channels swarming all over the place feigning shock are recording the distressing screams and groans of the parents of the trapped girl.

  Past midnight, the rescue operation is still going on. Village Headman Maruti Bayalappa Gaddgi  taking up cudgels on behalf of the parents is demanding compensation from State government , a place for both parents in prime time panel Discussions and  direct entry to the popular reality show  “Noothana Alegalu” for their  Chennavva on  ಮಿಂಚು TV , once  she is pulled out safely,  

All the While the CEO of  ಮಿಂಚು TV  sitting in the comfort of his A/C cabin is grinning from ear to ear. The channel’s TRP is rocketing northwards. 


Friday, September 4, 2020


finite despair &   infinite hope



Six  months ago, before  the dreaded coronavirus  swept  across the world ,unleashing a calamity  of unimaginable proportion,  I was engrossed in choosing  trek routes of Himalayan ranges, much  before bookings opened and applications flooded the trek Operator’s website.I did pick two: Dayara Bugyal, one of the most beautiful high altitude alpine meadows near Gangotri.and  the spiritually significant Gau Mukh, the point where Bhagarathi (Holy Ganga) descends on mother earth.  A month later, the country went into a   lock down, all modes of transport were suspended and trek routes closed for hikers. The idea of a Himalayan trek for me in 2020 went up in smoke.

As with many trekking enthusiasts, taking off to the mountains for a fortnight   has been the high point of my agenda for the past many  years. Dozens of  phone calls later, friends are  tracked down and a ‘team’ finalized. Trek shoes,  jackets, woollen caps, ear muffs, sweaters and woollen gloves are taken out  from the old trunk. The backpack gathering dust in the attic     is pulled out and given a thorough scrubbing. The other trek paraphernalia are also fished out.

            The Trail "train"

Weekend practice hikes are undertaken to prepare for the  Himalayan trails; running and fitness regime to build stamina becomes daily routine . DSLR’s are serviced and equipped with extreme data cards to reserve space for all the stunning views the mountains offer.

The Himalayas — magnificent, resplendent majestic, attract droves of trekking enthusiasts each year, all eager to imbibe the freshness and grandeur of nature

       mountain Stream

One of the reasons for going into the Himalayan Mountains is to escape from the drudgery of every day city routine.   Trek routes like    Deoriatal-Chandrashila, Nag Tibba, Kedarkantha, Hemkund going as high as 15,000 ft, where hikers encounter snow at the peaks leave the trekkers speechless. It is  fascinating to see   the gradual transformation in the landscape as you trek from one campsite to the next. Starting off from the base village, you plod along lush green paths, myriad colours of  flowering trees in bloom. Deeply immersed in nature and  bird calls, you trek up the mountains , as grass gives way to snow covered paths and  at the top  you pitch the  tents on a shimmering  white, snow covered turf ..

Trekking requires fitness, physical stamina, tremendous will power and passion. Altitude sickness is a real danger at the great heights and freezing temperatures. Methods of acclimatizing include involving in setting up  tents and exploring the campsite and the surroundings.Just wriggling into the sleeping bag as soon as you end the day’s trek is no fun.

     up...up ...up   & away!

Golden memories are etched  as  trekkers,  stretch  around the camp fire, and the energetic  trek leaders,guides,porters  and other support staff  entertain  us  with popular stories ranging from misadventures  of  hikers on the trail, to mountain goddesses, to supernatural forces  protecting the campsite, to how the next day’s climb is just ‘One turn’  away (which we later find actually means Kilometres  away).

     crossing a large Glacier

Now, with the trek routes closed & tourists staying away , the jobless local guides have lost their              income for the whole year.  The trek guides living in hamlets nestled in the mountains lead         a simple life that is entirely controlled and  determined by  weather. They  manage  their households solely with the income  generated from arranging  treks in the Himalayan ranges         of Uttarakhand , stocking up in summer so that they can stay indoors by the warmth of the, hearth praying  for the weather to clear, even as  snow pours down upon their huts,

       Visitors at the campsite

The threat to livelihood and monetary loss inflicted upon them by the Corona virus triggered lock-down means the hundreds of local trek guides, porters,cooks and other support personnel attached  to trekking communities across  the country, who depend on wages, tips and commissions, will face a torrid  year ahead, till the mountain routes are re-opened  for trekkers    & tourists are allowed to tour  the picturesque mountain state

  As treks in 2020  are ruled out I realize now as I think over as to why one leaves behind City Comforts to punish oneself by labouring along inhospitable terrain , that the answer is quite simple: The mountains are addictive, as is the  exceptional joy that they provide, while trekking  through them.


When I plan a trek in the Himalayas, I look forward not only to the climb, or the tent stays, or      the delicious Rotis & Curries, but also to the gentle rustle of trees and total absence of any jarring noise . When in the mountains, the mind floats into a heady, empty space devoid of clumsy feelings. There is a sense of surrender, of drifting free into vast emptiness.

        up in the sky 

In these troubled times, it seems the mountains, epitomizing permanence, have now been enveloped by an overwhelming sense of gloom and despair. However, there is consolation         in knowing that as time heals and tranquility  returns, as the world slowly mends a tattered   economy , the mountains will still be there, fresh, calm , serene  & beckoning  me to return.





Moral causation …On a loop

  Moral causation …                            ..................On a loop   Kunti  is never  considered  as a spectacular or iconic c...