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Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Breaking Spree

The Breaking  Spree


Create news’ screams CEO of ಮಿಂಚು TV operating with the punchline :ಶರದಷ್ಟೇ ನೇರ at the petrified anchor. “What has the world come to? No indiscretions by third line starlets,no traffic offence by affluent brats, no ancient building crash, no slum brawl, not even a wife beating or chain snatching incident. Our existence is threatened! ”

Even as he is sulking over the ‘misfortune’ he answers the phone. In a jiffy, the CEO is up. He shouts orders. The anchor is directed to reserve the next 65 hours for a juicy new story. A highly excitable Srinivas Kebburvadi, the channel’s star Reporter with a huge fan following, popularly known as “Minch Seena” is immediately dispatched to site to cover the story about a four year old girl who had fallen into a bore well.

 On arrival at site “Minch Seena” attends to the PR formalities with the village headman, profusely extolling his virtues and concern for the affected family and transmits a 4 minute video to the studio.

(Psst : on a similar occasion earlier  a village head had threatned to slice off the camera cables because he was ignored and not provided with enough screen presence)

“Minch Seena” commences the frenzy …….. As if on cue the women folk of the hamlet start the wailing & breast beating routine which the camera captures, accompanied by soulful tunes of violin. 

“Minch Seena” is sufficiently pumped up and rambling  away around 450 words / minute @ 102 decibels & 210 Hz. in one breath.The atmosphere is electric. Even as he bends down pointing to the mouth of a hole drilled by the side of the bore well to reach the hapless girl, the anchor at the studio  lets out a roar.  An already excited “Minch Seena” topples head first into the hole.ಮಿಂಚು TVs screen goes blank.

The resourceful production team at the studio begins airing stock scenes of Groups of women lighting lamps & children praying at the famous temple in town, while the ubiquitous Municipal Corporator and his ‘boys’ smash coconuts by the dozen.

It has been 47 hours since the girl fell into the bore well. ಮಿಂಚು TV has put a chronometer at a corner in its screen to indicate how long it has been since their reporter fell.

There are unconfirmed reports that some State Disaster Rescue Force personnel              involved in the Rescue Operations have been coerced by ಮಿಂಚು TV  channel to rescue their Star reporter  first so that he could cover the news of the child being rescued dead or alive, as the  substitute  reporter can never be as  boisterous  & maniacal”.

The channel flashes the news crawler ಚೆನ್ನವ್ವಳನ್ನು ರಕ್ಷಿಸಲೇಬೇಕು” incessantlly

During a similar accident earlier  the Channel’s reporter   missed the videos of the child being brought out, as he had taken pee break at the same moment.. The channel is not ready to take chances this time.

Meanwhile reporters from other channels swarming all over the place feigning shock are recording the distressing screams and groans of the parents of the trapped girl.

  Past midnight, the rescue operation is still going on. Village Headman Maruti Bayalappa Gaddgi  taking up cudgels on behalf of the parents is demanding compensation from State government , a place for both parents in prime time panel Discussions and  direct entry to the popular reality show  “Noothana Alegalu” for their  Chennavva on  ಮಿಂಚು TV , once  she is pulled out safely,  

All the While the CEO of  ಮಿಂಚು TV  sitting in the comfort of his A/C cabin is grinning from ear to ear. The channel’s TRP is rocketing northwards. 



Mahishmati said...

Hilarious 😂 But also frighteningly real ! The TRP-hungry 24x7 channels have weirdos as CEOs and they have really messed up the minds of the public who , like substance-addicts start having withdrawal symptoms if nothing is “breaking” on their TV screen . Perhaps thats why the loonies start breaking public property , in the hope of getting their 2mins fame on a TV channel !
Whattay mad mad mad world !

Adi said...

Funny :) Sadly - its a global phenomena with "news". The more obtuse, the more shocking, the more exaggerated, the more hyperbole, and the more outrageous - the better the TRP.

It's a simple demand and supply issue. Cutting the demand side of the equation is as easy as pressing the "Off" button on the remote.


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