There is currently no approved treatment or vaccine for
COVID-19.Various lines of treatment have been proposed and practiced to treat
patients of COVID-19. Including well tried anti-viral drugs used in influenza. However,
none of these have been certified by conclusive clinical trial so far.
Coronavirus has therefore has become a point of concern for pharmaceutical companies.
The non availability of trusted anti viral drugs in the market has compounded the problem. People’s attention has now turned to
traditional medicines. Suddenly there is a huge surge in the demand for
traditional and home remedies
The traditional medicine communities have been
prescribing several herbal formulations for prevention and treatment, resulting
in heavy demand for indigenous ingredients
Ever Since the pandemic engulfed India, the sale of local immunity boosting products has increased manifold. Products containing seeds & leaf of Tulasi plant, ginger, Turmeric, honey, Jeera, Cinnamon, Clove, garlic, lime and flax seeds are being used like never before. Grand mother’s ‘Kashayam’ & other remedies have become great hits.
Celebrities, are sharing their
immunity-boosting diets with their fans & many have said that Daily
practice of yoga helps in developing a positive outlook

Knowledge is conceived from experience
gained over the centuries and modified
to local culture, It takes the form of stories, songs, folklore,
cultural values, beliefs, rituals, local dialect ,and other forms including
development of indigenous plant species and local cattle breeds and have
been practiced through songs, parables, & carvings through the
species, including plants and animals are found in India. The Himalayas & the Western Ghats are
considered the planet’s important biodiversity hotspots. Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani, are systems that were developed thousands
of years ago.
of its ancientness, Traditional wisdom has been frequently confused with blind
belief.and has even been looked down upon by “Society” It is a expertise that has been developed, mastered and passed
down the generations from time immemorial. But, unfortunately, somewhere along
the line, Indians either took it for granted or adopted to the alien western way
of living.
The case
of Biligiri Rangaswamy temple (BRT) wildlife Sanctuary is testament to the
ecological devastation that followed eviction of the Soliga Tribe, the forest dwellers who evolved a way of life over
centuries which, is intertwined with the forest and forest resources. Soligas have ensured the forest
is protected from degradation(Depredation?) by man and nature,
by exercising their unique conservation
technique Theregubenki(The grass fire) applied
with seasonal natural occurrence of hullumuriyagaali (the grass breaking
wind), the speedy nagaragaali (snake wind) bittanegaali( seed dispersing
breeze). BRT was declared a Tiger reserve in 2011 and the Soligas lost their
traditional Home. Progressively,the condition of the forest deteriorated with
infestation of parasites and weeds like lantana & Parthenium after the
government banned theregubinki inside the Tiger
reserve. Animals fled in absence of
food. Herd sizes of herbivores diminished drastically.

Wasteland now
Forest then
It what
is a travesty & tragedy the
displaced Soligas were drafted under Rural Employment Scheme
for removing lantana and other weeds around their former homes. . The opportunity
was utilized by Kadinamade Gowda* a soliga headman, who fired a small patch inside the forest to prove his intrinsic tribal knowledge. 32 new seedlings of indigeneous tree species
sprouted in the patch, whereas only lantana proliferated the adjoining area.”
truth of these insights have been substantiated by eminent ecologists and even
forest officials. Studies on forests management in other places through similar controlled burning proved that Soligas’ wisdom is well founded .A
former additional principal chief conservator of forests says “For the past 15 years we have rigidly stifled litter
fire, but time has come now to immediately have a relook.”
Lantana explosion has also choked regeneration
of trees and grass in the tiger Reserve
To compound the situation, a large number of trees like the famous BR hill gooseberry,wild
Mango and Jackfruit which have been perennial source of food for elephants,
deer & gaur have perished due to
parasitic plant infestation
“Theregubinki is the best solution, but it will be difficult to revert to it as the forest is choked by lantana and other invasive weeds Setting fire to lantana will be. Suicidal. It will trigger huge forest fires” says Kadinamade Gowda
In the
meanwhile, western countries quietly
researched on ancient Indian traditions and concepts which culminated in some
companies & corporates being awarded patents for, “use of turmeric & its extracts in
wound healing” ,Neem for “pesticidal
& Basmati for “rice Strains ” all of which are India’s centuries old know-how & legacy.
Following an uproar by concerned citizen
groups the awards were challenged through Appeal. The patent granted in each of
the cases was revoked as they lacked in originality and ingenious Character.
Knowledge is a priceless wealth and it has immense potential to solve many of Humanity’s
problems. Harnessing this ancient & valuable knowledge is in the hands of the
younger & future generations.By Nurturing and propagating the same, India could
well be a trendsetter in securing Global wellness.
Vidya Dadati Vinayam, Vinaya
Dadati Paatrataam
Paatratva Dhanamaapnoti,
Dhanaat Dharmam Tatah Sukham
(Knowledge gives discipline, discipline gives worthiness,
Worthiness gives wealth, from wealth (one gets) righteousness
& contentment).
*P.S: I met Kadinamade Gowda some 30 years back while travelling on a Bus to BR hills.
Thereafter, I have had several interactions with “Kaadu”. His knowledge of forest, wildlife &
endemic species was phenomenal. At the time of writing, I tried contacting him
but heard that he had passed away in 2017.Will miss my go-to man in BR Hills.
Wow! I've always been fascinated by Kadu and living in the wild! This blog was transporting.
What a wealth of knowledge passed away with the good man ! Hope somebody somewhere has documented his wisdom in some form , at least as a memory .
Had never heard of these words before . Only people who live close to Nature can understand its many moods , changes and reactions enough to devise ways of handling it for mutual benefit .
RIP Kadu !
Nice blog. I hope you include other stores and anecdotes from your interactions with Kaadu. That way his stories will live on forever in the web.
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