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Sunday, December 25, 2022

Protect wildlife …… from ourselves


Protect wildlife …… from ourselves

Once you get hooked onto the delightful hobby of bird/animal watching, it can get very addictive and you begin to appreciate nature. It is easy to dismiss these creatures that are way below on the pecking order, but when you discover that a they are on brink of extinction , your eyes open wide to a whole new  mind-blowing vista .

I  first indulged in the activity  of bird watching or birding a couple of decades ago not in any  lush green forest but in the Garden at home. Upon spotting a feathered species each time, the sheer excitement made me realize that an urban inhabitant engrossed in one's daily routine is completely oblivious to the beauty of nature!

Animals are a great joy. And to see animals in their natural habitat, during visits to sanctuaries and wildlife parks, is a reminder of the beauty and rich diversity of our astonishing planet. Nothing prepares you for the breathtaking feeling of seeing wild animals & birds in flesh gamboling around in the wild. It’s incredibly poignant. Like many people, I too love animals. And for a while now, I’ve been learning about the increasing threats to animals in the wild such as elephants, ungulates and the big cats.

We Humans only share Mother Earth with flora and fauna. It is not ours alone. We must bear greater responsibility in the welfare of all beings. What is required is a lot of compassion.

Like humans. Animals too deserve a life of dignity and liberty. There are workable solutions, but require humans to show greater empathy to ensure happy co-existence between all living beings.  Habitat conservation & Animal welfare has to be priority activity. This is the time to act, before it is too late. Because as the go….so will we!

As the years have rolled by, this urban nomad is being drawn more and more towards nature, and although the soul is willing, find little or no opportunity for bird watching or wildlife safaris. Digging into my  picture archives and flaunting a few favourite images is about the best alternative to relive & savour  treasured moments.


Arun Visweswaran said...

Lovely pics. And there is enough nature in your own garden - always a pleasure to visit !

YOSEE said...

Watching any livingbeing going about its mundane living can be very calming and meditative . Also educative , in that it provokes introspection about what life is all about . They are intrinsically wired to have what we call Human Values ,like sharing the earth peaceably , symbiotic living , equitable sharing of resources without plundering or hoarding for self, avoiding reason-less violence, eating to live and not vice-versa, etc etc.
We , humans, are the toxic invasive species that destroy all balance.

Adi said...

Great click Mama - Beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


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