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Saturday, March 9, 2024

An (im)- Purr-(iled) meow-(ment)


One evening I was enjoying a quiet moment sitting under the porch when I suddenly saw   a movement behind the potted  plants.   Sounded  like a hiss  emanating  from out there.

And then I saw a   little white kitten with beige coloured  patches   on it body.  It ( Not sure  if it is he or she) looked severely starved, scrawny 

                                                          abandoned, lost ?

I consider myself a dog person insofar as pets are concerned, but this tiny, weak kitten with baleful eyes  quickly attracted us . I knew we would not be the best people to care for this kitten. I have frequently heard people say “feed stray kittens &.They will never leave”

I  consider cat  a nuisance.  Yes, they are  not convenient and are troublesome ,but a life is a life and when put in a situation where you can do something about it or avoid it, what would you do?

when a life is at stake, you push your aversions aside and do what's right. In this case, attempt to save  the helpless kitten . As we approached, the kitten  gazed up at us with frightened eyes.

So my first thought was to get the kitten to safety since the mother was nowhere in sight. I clearly had not thought of any proper course of action.

A small plastic dish filled with milk and a few grains of cooked rice are  placed outside the back door . The kitten has claimed the small fenced space as its Home.The cat consumes the food nervously, frequently pausing to glance around skittishly at some unseen threat. Soon it  stops eating and slinks  away into a safe corner.


Gradually the kitten has made friends with everyone in the family, and when the back outside door is opened, it cranes its neck and give a quizzical look.. it is affectionate and sweet, and always uses the flat slab of stone to sit upon. By the time we gave it a name  : initially the nickname  Kutty,(Shortened for பூனை குட்டி Poonai Kutty)  gradually transforming to Kitty later ,  it was obvious to us  that it  wasn’t going anywhere.

His brand new purr , sporadic at first, like a little blender coming to life, is growing stronger .

                                                         Hopscotch anyone?

Life is a funny thing. There are times  when you are convinced that the world has come crashing down and you think you are not resourceful and facing imminent obliteration. But boundless providence   has its own plans. Sometimes you are the one that fights to survive so people can see how relevant you are, and at other times you have to be the one that offers a helping hand so that others or any other living creature can at least  stand a minute chance of survival.

But, then Miracles like Kitty do happen once in a while. With its health still on the mend  , Kitty has shown how feisty and tenacious it  is.  Playful, trusting, stubborn, quick to learn!  I was told by other members of the family that they were surprised how well it is adapting.

                                                      A bit possessive of Big Bro!

Reflecting on  experiences  with the little little furry creature has helped heal a few my  sporadic episodes of anxiety  which were threatening to engulf me.

  Kitty is absolutely part of our family now. It still tests our patience at times–especially with hisses and purrs at inappropriate times in the  night  & wakes us up !

                                                                 snaffle some Food? 

The  kitten shows up every few hours  at the back back door. Initially we had to cajole it  as it  ate , or it’d run off in fear. Not anymore .Now as it is growing  more & more   attached to us & seems to long for human companionship ,the lonely little cat worries  me.

                                                      Monarch (empress) of all I Survey


YOSEE said...

First : Thats quite an inspired Header !

Its nice to know a life was saved and sheltered . All experts agree that having a pet around is an immensely effective stress buster .

There need not be any anxiety about this Kitty Kutty’s future feline loneliness . Cats may adopt humans as family , but always know their way into their own special world !
Just hoping it stores the bounties of its hunting-gathering sprees strictly outdoors ! 😊

Arun Visweswaran said...

Sitting at the vet and reading this, I can empathise with your state of mind. A life saved is a good deed done. When you have a creature that cannot communicate but for the look that it gives you, then you feel even more responsible for its wellbeing.

Mia had a surgery last week and is still not eating.

Moral causation …On a loop

  Moral causation …                            ..................On a loop   Kunti  is never  considered  as a spectacular or iconic c...